Individual Coaching process?
Intake session - typically last 30 min
During this session we discuss your current challenges and initial objectives.
We will also evaluate the number of sessions required.
2 Discovery sessions
Helps putting in place ground tools for our coaching sessions - typically last 60 min.
During those sessions we work together to:
Define our coaching relationship and set up our agreements
Understand what is driving you and what are your triggers
Define your set of values and prioritize them
Set up your goals and define specific actions
4 to 10 Coaching sessions - typically last 60min
During those sessions we will:
Discuss in depth your coaching topic based on your objectives
Gather your learnings
Define the next course of action and design your homework. A typical homework can be an inquiry, a request, a challenge or an action
Completion session - typically last 60min
During this session we review your progress since the first session, your learnings and we will discuss what your next outlook is.
Everyone is unique and not one size fits
tailormade packages are available to fit your needs.
What is the Co-Active method?
Catherine of Sienna
"Be who you are created to be, and you will set the world on fire"
Co-Active Coaching is an experience of personal and professional development unlike other kinds of coaching. Based on the Co-Active Model, it begins by holding the coachee as naturally creative, resourceful and whole, and completely capable of finding their own answers to whatever challenges they face. The job of a Co-Active Coach® is to ask powerful questions, listen and empower to elicit the skills and creativity a client already possesses, rather than instruct or advise. Co-Active coaching uses an array of proprietary tools developed by CTI that have been proven as the gold standard over the past 25 years of the coaching profession.
Co-Active Coaching helps people identify the pathways that are not working and focus on creating new ones that lead to more resonant, effective, fulfilling lives. Over time, through commitment, support, practice and reflection, those “Ahas” become dominant neural pathways and what was once a reach and challenge becomes common place. The client has transformed in a grounded, sustainable way.
Other principles used:
Co-Active Leadership, Mindfulness, Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching
All our conversations are confidential. As an ICF certified coach I follow the ICF Code of Ethics.
The duration of a coaching program can vary between three months to twelve months.
Most of the work happens in-between the sessions where you will do your homework and also integrate what happened during the previous session.
The intake session is free of charge.
Frequency between sessions is typically every week or every other week at the beginning of the process. Thereafter the frequency can decrease (usually monthly).
Coaching sessions can be done in person or over the phone. If you have time constraints we can discuss what suits you best.
Coaching sessions can be done in English, French and Spanish.
For both companies and individuals, the costs for coaching may be deductible under certain conditions. Always check with your local tax advisor (or your HR department where applicable) for more information.
For a pricing, please contact me.
"Connection is the energy that is created between people when they feel seen, heard and valued - when they can give and receive without judgement"
Brene Brown